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Game Drives - Day and Night

Game drives are undertaken in custom designed Toyota game viewing vehicles seating no more than six guests at a time in 3 rows of 3 seats. Guests are guided by a two person team of professional guide and tracker - a special feature of the Kwando Safaris wildlife experience. The two person team enables the guide to communicate points of interest and the complex interrelations that exist throughout the natural world, while the tracker ensures no sightings or tracks are missed. The evening/ night drives are a Kwando Safaris speciality. The drive starts in the late afternoon as the day’s heat is declining. After a leisurely pause for the traditional sundowner, and as the African day is transformed into a soft colourful evening canvas, the night drive begins. The mystery unfolds as the creatures of the night, especially the predators, are revealed by spotlight, often unexpectedly. Due to its location in a private concession, game drives can go offroad to allow vehicles to be positioned closer to special predator sighting which enhances the photographic and game viewing experience.
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Nature walks

Walking in Africa's wild areas is the only way to truly appreciate the natural environment. While game viewing from a vehicle allows one to see more animals as you traverse much greater distances and get much closer to animals safely, there is nothing as awe inspiring and humbling as observing wild animals on foot. Many smaller species of plants and insects, tracks and signs are all easily missed when in a vehicle. The slow pace of the walk and interpretative skills of your guide will open your eyes to a new and fascinating world. Game walks are not hikes; they are slow comfortable strolls meant to provide you with a chance to experience the wilderness at a natural pace. Any walk can be combined with a game drive or mokoro and the length of walk can be adjusted to suit your personal desires or level of fitness.
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