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Bahia Escondida Lodge

Reservas / Consultas

Correo Electrónico
+56 9 9359 1458
Bahía Escondida is located very close to the walkway bridge that drains into General Carrera Lake, where we have a car park and dock. Access to the Lodge is only by boat and the staff will pick you up and drop you off, it is approximately 7 minutes by boat from the pier. To get to our lodge by car consider a travel time of 15 minutes from Puerto Guadal, 40 minutes from Puerto Tranquilo, 30 minutes from Puerto Bertrand, and 1:20 from Parque Patagonia.

Persona de contacto de marketing

Javier Urzua
Correo Electrónico
+56 9 9359 1458

Formulario de Consulta

Bahia Escondida Lodge

*Vaega manaomia

Nombre de Pila *
Apellido *
Correo Electrónico *
Número de Teléfono *
País de Residencia
Salida Aproximada
Nº de días
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